Our list of business clients names only commercial entities such as corporations, partnerships, and other companies. The list does not name the many private individuals we have also represented – entrepreneurs, professionals, private investors, accident victims, grieving families, and other people personally caught up in litigation.
Out of respect for the privacy of our individual clients, and due to the confidentiality often required by their settlements, we have not disclosed any names of these individuals. Nevertheless, we were honored to be their lawyers, and to have become their friends.
Schneider & Branch
225 Broadway, Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: 619-233-5500
Fax: 619-233-5535
Phone: 619-233-5562
Email: dks@schneiderbranchlaw.com
Phone: 619-702-0500
Email: mlb@schneiderbranchlaw.com
Phone: 415-494-9521
Email: sks@schneiderbranchlaw.com